A simple test to reproduce the problem:
octave:1> loglog((-1:1),1)
error: out of memory or dimension too large for Octave's index type
error: called from
__line__ at line 120 column 16
line at line 56 column 8
__plt__>__plt2vs__ at line 468 column 15
__plt__>__plt2__ at line 246 column 14
__plt__ at line 113 column 17
loglog at line 60 column 10
octave:1> loglog((-1:1),1)
error: set: "cameratarget" must be finite
error: called from
delete at line 60 column 5
newplot at line 202 column 11
loglog at line 53 column 9
I will file a bug report.