I am trying to solve this complex ODE with ode45 and no matter which solver I use I get a similar error from each solver (using odepkg 0.8.5). I've used octave online to solve the very same ode as well as matlab, but I need to be able to solve it using my octave version 4.0.3.
function dydt=bangodefun(y,t,T,N)
X=[Delta1(t,T(1:N(1))); Delta2(t,T(N(1)+1:sum(N(1:2)))); Delta3(t,T(sum(N(1:2))+1:sum(N(1:3)))); Delta4(t,T(sum(N(1:3))+1:sum(N(1:4)))); Delta5(t,T(sum(N(1:4))+1:sum(N(1:5)))); Delta6(t,T(sum(N(1:5))+1:sum(N(1:6))))];
%The Delta functions simply return values 0 or 1 depending on t, T and N are defined inputs
%Hamil(X) returns a 3x3 Hamiltonian matrix which means y is a 3x1 vector
>> T=[0; 0; 0; 0; .28; .56; .28; .56];
>> N=[1 1 1 1 2 2];
>> Y0=[1; 0; 0];
>> [t,Y]=ode45(@(t,y)bangodefun(t,y,T,N), [0 1], Y0)
warning: Option "RelTol" not set, new value 0.000001 is used
warning: called from
ode45 at line 113 column 5
warning: Option "AbsTol" not set, new value 0.000001 is used
warning: Option "InitialStep" not set, new value 0.010000 is used
warning: Option "MaxStep" not set, new value 0.010000 is used
error: ode45: A(I,J,...) = X: dimensions mismatch
error: called from
ode45 at line 345 column 17
I'm not sure why I'm only getting this error on my downloaded version of Octave. Please help.
Thank you,