I am in ubuntu 16.04 and am compiling a recent version of stable.
mkdir dbg-octave
cd dbg-octave
/home/doug/octavec4/configure FFLAGS=-g CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-g --prefix=/opt/dbg-octave
make -j7
Which I think should compile octave with debug symbols.
then I run Octave with
sudo ./dbg-octave/run-octave
the dbg wanted me to be in sudo mode
Then in octave I ran:
system (sprintf ("gnome-terminal --command 'gdb -p %d'", getpid ()), "async");
this gave me the gdb window.
I then did a CNTL c in octave to get the prompt in gdb.
I then type in gdb:
then a continue in gdb.
now back in octave i ran
a = "\t\ta\tb\tc\n"
textscan(a, '%s', 'delimiter', sprintf('\t'))
and expected it to stop when textscan was run. But it did not break (stop) anywhere. It just ran the code without stopping.
What am I missing?
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