I think there is a bug in linkaxes/linkprop, at least in my Octave version (flatpak package of Octave 4.3.91).
Before submitting a bug report about this, could somebody please test the following code snippet? Thanks!
% these examples work fine % for ii = 1:3; ha(ii) = subplot(3,1,ii); axes(ha(ii)); plot(randn(10,1)); end % for ii = 1:3; ha(ii) = subplot(2,2,ii); axes(ha(ii)); plot(randn(10,1)); end
% these examples do NOT work for ii = 1:4; ha(ii) = subplot(4,1,ii); axes(ha(ii)); plot(randn(10,1)); end % for ii = 1:4; ha(ii) = subplot(2,2,ii); axes(ha(ii)); plot(randn(10,1)); end
linkaxes(ha, 'x')
This is the error I'm finding:
error: horizontal dimensions mismatch (1x1 vs 2x1) error: called from linkprop at line 84 column 7 linkaxes at line 83 column 13
Seems fine on Octave, version 4.2.2 running on a Mac. Is the linkages() call part of the test? It didn’t;t seem to do anything.
Cheers Richard Kirk