I have a 4.4 source build on CenoOS 6.5. This took a bit of getting to
work, but it all seems to be up and running with one mysterious
I make a local file "dummy.m" with just 3 lines...
# Increment count
count += 1;
I now try to use it to increment 'count'...
octave:1> count = 0;
octave:2> count += 1;
octave:3> count
count = 1
Okay, that worked. Now let's do that by calling dummy.m...
octave:4> dummy
error: count(61,_): but count has size 1x1
error: called from
dummy at line 3 column 1
If I replace count += 1; with ++count; in dummy.m then it works.That
is my workaround, and I am fine with that for now. However, it used to
work in 3.4.3.
Does anyone else see this, or have I mucked up my build somehow? If it
is real, I can file a bug.
Richard Kirk