Yep-that is the way to do it.
Funny thing-I haven't thought about this type of thing in 43 years
and got caught by it!
On 5/10/2018 2:16 PM, Brian Kaczynski
I would use a while loop in this case and
increment the counter in the while loop. Then you can be sure
what value the counter has when it finishes one iteration of the
loop and your counter skipping code should work.
I have a
stretch of code that contains a "for" loop. Within the loop,
under certain circumstances, it adds a constant to the loop
counter for
various reasons. This allows the code to "skip ahead". However
some investigation it is apparent that one cannot do
this--that is, the
loop counter is always set to the next consecutive value and
ignores the
added constant.
I assume this is a rule for the loop command (could not find
this in the
docs). Is there a way to override this behaviour?