--- address@hidden wrote:
I use in windows, at work, octave 4.4, I try with - dpdflatexstandalone instead of - dpdf, and in Windows work perfectly. Then, I try again at home with my pc, octave 4.0.3 running on debian stretch, the same code, but it didn't work. The graph is not complete and with wrong proportions, and paperposition work in wrong mode, with the first digit that move vertically instead of horizontally. Why in Windows works, but in debian not?
Thank you
Il 30 maggio 2018 18:03:42 CEST, Pantxo <address@hidden> ha scritto:pironman wrote
Hi to everyone.
I'm trying to print a graph with some greek letters. To do that, I
the "graphics_toolkit gnuplot".
In that graph there is a grid, with the
octave anteprime I see this grid
dashed, but the printed pdf is a continue line. Can I make it dashed, and
Another question: this happen with windows 7. I try the same code in
pc, with Debian Stretch, and in this case I have the line in the graph
purple, also if i set "color","black", why?
Thank you
Sent from:
What version of Octave are you using? Since Octave 4.2, OpenGL based tookits
(qt and fltk) are able to print greek letters (even though the support for
printed strings with "tex" interpreter should be better in Octave 4.4). I
don't know if it will solve your problems but printing from OpenGL based
toolkits is generally more WYSIWYG (but also has its own
Sorry for the non response, I don't use gnuplot.
Windows or not is not related. graphics toolkit gnuplot is buggy on octave 4.0.x.
As far as I remember, the bugs were fixed in octave 4.2.