Am 29.09.18 um 16:44 schrieb address@hidden:
> I have a piece of C++ code which compiles/links with Octave 3.4.3.
Can you please add a link to your software so someone could try to
compile it?
-- Andy
Two peaces of information I can contribute to this issue:
1. The symbol "dim_vector::nil_rep()" is private [1], thus should to my understanding not be accessible from any non-dim_vector class code. Therefore I agree with Andy, you should describe which code leads to this issue to find a solution. For example a simple comparison with "nil_rep" is impossible, but one can call "empty_2d()" [2] to check whether a "dim_vector" is empty.
2. Since Octave 3.4.3 (from 2011-10-10) there happened several changes. A relevant one might be the 2016 fix of bug #47372 [3], which really prevents the accidental use of duplicate static nil_rep symbols.