From: | jin law |
Subject: | Matrix dimensions Mismatch |
Date: | Sat, 13 Oct 2018 11:34:58 +0800 |
Greeting! I have 2set of 3X10 data, Data=""> 1588,2417,1828; 2515,4324,2097; 3117,4396,3029; 3666,4683,3719; 4354,4712,3767; 6213,5810,5581; 7481,6759,8070; 8722,7092,9126; 9602,9948,9782;] data=[ 1723,2048,1341; 2578,3088,2359; 3781,3892,4946; 4469,4291,5629; 5837,5368,6142; 6565,6817,6600; 7976,7005,8050; 8017,8078,8182; 8393,9453,8337; 9648,9478,9146;] >> for j=1:3; y=Data(:,1) X=[ones(10,1),data(:,j)] end y = 866 1588 2515 3117 3666 4354 6213 7481 8722 9602 X = 1 1723 1 2578 1 3781 1 4469 1 5837 1 6565 1 7976 1 8017 1 8393 1 9648 y = 866 1588 2515 3117 3666 4354 6213 7481 8722 9602 X = 1 2048 1 3088 1 3892 1 4291 1 5368 1 6817 1 7005 1 8078 1 9453 1 9478 y = 866 1588 2515 3117 3666 4354 6213 7481 8722 9602 X = 1 1341 1 2359 1 4946 1 5629 1 6142 1 6600 1 8050 1 8182 1 8337 1 9146 >> for j=1:3; y=Data(:,1); X=[ones(10,1),data(:,j)]; theta(:,j)=round(pinv(X'*X)*X'*y); disp(theta) end -1634 1 -1634 -1941 1 1 -1634 -1941 -1737 1 1 1
to sub-press 2D to 1D I put another code; Theta=theta(1,1:j);I tried theta(1,1:j) >> for j=1:3; y=Data(:,j); X=[ones(10,1),data(:,j)]; theta(1,1:j)=round(pinv(X'*X)*X'*y); end error: A(I,J,...) = X: dimensions mismatch >> for j=1:3; y=Data(:,2); X=[ones(10,1),data(:,j)]; theta(:,j)=round(pinv(X'*X)*X'*y); Theta=theta(1,1:j); end >> Theta Theta = 292 196 79 instead of doing it 3 times of y; I used nested loop. >> for j=1:3; y=Data(:,j); for j=1:3; X=[ones(10,1),data(:,j)]; theta(:,j,j)=round(pinv(X'*X)*X'*y); Theta=theta(1,1:j,1:j); end end >> Theta Theta = ans(:,:,1) = -1352 -1766 -1319 ans(:,:,2) = 0 -1766 0 ans(:,:,3) = 0 0 -1319 So, the results I got is not the same as y=Data(:,1) and y=Data(:,2)and so on. My Question is How to sub-press 2D theta to 1D? and For the nested loop is there any mistake? Thanks, jin Sent from Mail for Windows 10 |
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