On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 9:38 AM S. Swayamjyoti <
address@hidden> wrote:
am trying to install an octave package for scientific computations. I
could easily install Octave 4.0, but I am facing great difficulty, with
Octave 4.2. After running the 'configure' command, successfully, I am still not able to find a make file to build Octave.
Can someone please help me with this? The issue is a bit urgent. Please find attached the error screenshot.
Basically, the problem is defined precisely in the error messages: The development libraries for cURL, fontconfig and so on are not installed on your system.
If you are in a hurry, then you must be precise for getting help:
- Which Linux distribution and version runs in your virtual box?
- Do you really rely on version 4.2 or why not choosing 4.4.1 when compiling from source?