at your suggestion, I converted from textread to textscan and the
dataset if loaded just fine. So I am not sure why textread keeps
failing-at any rate I am content to use textscan going forward.
Thanks for your suggestion
On 11/1/2018 2:30 PM, Ian McCallion
Just a thought, does textscan leave the opened
file positioned at the start of the glitch?
If so at least you can see the erroneous data
using a different file function, eg fileread.
Cheers... Ian
On 1 Nov 2018, at 18:51, Fritz Sonnichsen
< address@hidden> wrote:
This happens a lot--I read in a large (200,000 lines) file generated
from a serial port and a few records are "glitched". textread aborts
producing messages like:
warning: strread: unable to parse text or file with given format string
warning: called from
strread at line 713 column 7
textread at line 249 column 31
drift at line 9 column 40
error: some elements undefined in return list
error: called from
textread at line 249 column 31
drift at line 9 column 40
I want textread to handle the error and continue. I can deal with
corrupted data in the returned arrays from there. Of worse case, I would
at least like textread to report which record it stopped on so I can
look into it.
I didn't see an option for this in the doc. Did I miss it?