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Re: HoughPeaks function
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Pantxo |
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Re: HoughPeaks function |
Date: |
Tue, 6 Nov 2018 10:39:52 -0600 (CST) |
ariel.solomon wrote
> Hi,
> I have copied and assimilated the houghpeaks function into octave.
> The function:
> function [r, c, hnew] = houghpeaks(h, numpeaks, threshold, nhood)
> %HOUGHPEAKS Detect peaks in Hough transform.
> % peaks in the Hough transform matrix H. NUMPEAKS specifies the
> % maximum number of peak locations to look for. Values of H below
> % THRESHOLD will not be considered to be peaks. NHOOD is a
> % two-element vector specifying the size of the suppression
> % neighborhood. This is the neighborhood around each peak that is
> % set to zero after the peak is identified. The elements of NHOOD
> % must be positive, odd integers. R and C are the row and column
> % coordinates of the identified peaks. HNEW is the Hough transform
> % with peak neighborhood suppressed.
> %
> % If NHOOD is omitted, it defaults to the smallest odd values >=
> % size(H)/50. If THRESHOLD is omitted, it defaults to
> % 0.5*max(H(:)). If NUMPEAKS is omitted, it defaults to 1.
> % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
> % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
> % $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/11/21 13:34:50 $
> if nargin < 4
> nhood = size(h)/50;
> % Make sure the neighborhood size is odd.
> nhood = max(2*ceil(nhood/2) + 1, 1);
> end
> if nargin < 3
> threshold = 0.5 * max(h(:));
> end
> if nargin < 2
> numpeaks = 1;
> end
> done = false;
> hnew = h; r = []; c = [];
> while ~done
> [p, q] = find(hnew == max(hnew(:)));
> p = p(1); q = q(1);
> if hnew(p, q) >= threshold
> r(end + 1) = p; c(end + 1) = q;
> % Suppress this maximum and its close neighbors.
> p1 = p - (nhood(1) - 1)/2; p2 = p + (nhood(1) - 1)/2;
> q1 = q - (nhood(2) - 1)/2; q2 = q + (nhood(2) - 1)/2;
> [pp, qq] = ndgrid(p1:p2,q1:q2);
> pp = pp(:); qq = qq(:);
> % Throw away neighbor coordinates that are out of bounds in
> % the rho direction.
> badrho = find((pp < 1) | (pp > size(h, 1)));
> pp(badrho) = []; qq(badrho) = [];
> % For coordinates that are out of bounds in the theta
> % direction, we want to consider that H is antisymmetric
> % along the rho axis for theta = +/- 90 degrees.
> theta_too_low = find(qq < 1);
> qq(theta_too_low) = size(h, 2) + qq(theta_too_low);
> pp(theta_too_low) = size(h, 1) - pp(theta_too_low) + 1;
> theta_too_high = find(qq > size(h, 2));
> qq(theta_too_high) = qq(theta_too_high) - size(h, 2);
> pp(theta_too_high) = size(h, 1) - pp(theta_too_high) + 1;
> % Convert to linear indices to zero out all the values.
> hnew(sub2ind(size(hnew), pp, qq)) = 0;
> done = length(r) == numpeaks;
> else
> done = true;
> end
> end
> I get an error each time with different nhood values:
> Input: P=houghpeaks(H,5,'threshhold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
> Error:
> P=houghpeaks(H,5,'threshhold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
> error: nhood(2): out of bound 1
> error: called from
> houghpeaks at line 44 column 10
> Any thoughts?
> Best,
> Ariel
I think the error message tells you that you the NHOOD argument you have
supplied is scalar while the documentation states it should be a two-element
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