I use ubuntu
18.04 and the package manager has a flathub version in
then in the
command window type 'pkg install -forge signal'
for the signal package
Is it so
that nobody knows how to install signal and control packages
octave 4.4.1 version (xubuntu 18.04.1).
Tarmo Tapio kirjoitti 3.11.2018 klo 18.42:
> Hi
> I should need octave packages (signal, control,....).
How can I
> install them from flatpak/flathub?
> Tarmo
Flatpak is a container/isolation tool. I.e. it creates an environment for the application whose package is supposed to be built in a manner imitating absence of libraries at system level, so any needed for the application libraries won't conflict with the system ones. E.g. different from system libraries versions can be used.
Flatpak does NOT resolve the issues of the packaging system of the application for which one wants to build a package.
The fundamental problem with Octave is that its packaging system is broken. From my analysis of the Octave packaging system made several years ago the system has never been properly spec'ed/designed.