Andreas Weber-6 wrote
> Am 24.11.18 um 12:33 schrieb r1f1:
> Why didn't they work as you've expected them to do?
> You should start describing what parameter your "program" wants and how
> it replies and what you've tried so far and why the result didn't met
> your expectations.
> -- Andy
Ok, I explained very bad. The program in c++ will show positions (x,y) from
an object trough a camera in real time and I want to store this positions,
in real time, in a program from octave, I don't know how this comunication
is posible.
Sent from: is still not clear what you really need/want.
You might need IPC (Inter-Process Communications).
I do not work under Windows. Under Linux a known way to exchange data is using shared memory.
Another way to organize IPC regardless of OS is sockets. And also named pipes.
Now that you have the keywords you can perform web search and try various implementations.