Thank you very much for solve this problem , your patience and time.
Now it works very well!
I have another issue but I'm not sure to use this thread.
1) All we have been doing it has been in my desktop pc, I've also tried to do
it in my laptop and I'm able to use the ardunosetup instruction to load the
software to the board but after close the arduino IDE when I use the
scanForArduinos instruction the result is this:
ans = {}(0x0)
Should I open other thread?
Finally I've also seen that in my sd90 servo using
"minpulseduration": 1.0e-3 and "maxpulseduration": 2.0e-3, the angular displacement is about 90
degrees whereas if I change them to "minpulseduration": 0.54e-3 and "maxpulseduration": 2.43e-3
the result is a possible angular displacement of 165 degrees. The weird thing is that the sd90 datasheet says that
between 1.0e-3 and 2.0e-3 the displacement has to be of 180 degrees. Maybe is a particular servo issue and it's not a
problem to deal with it.
Thanks again.
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