Subject: Re: Octave doesn't lauch in Windows 10
I installed now WIN10 built 1809 and started Octave-4.4.1 without any
success. I have no idea, what let the program immediately shut down. Anyhow,
I have the impression it shuts down faster now.
I misunderstand the situation. You wrote in the first post
I've installed Octave 4.4.1 and everything was working normal.
Then I upgraded windows 10 and now when the GUI simply
doesn't open, it doesn't even come up with error messages.
I cannot remember correctly, but one of colleges report the similar.
However, in my case windows update does not affect octave-4.4.1 at all.
(My windows 10 is 1809 latest at Jan., 2019 .)
Perhaps there have been no solution for your case.
Can you try next version release candidate?
octave-5.0.90-w64-installer.exe (installer)
octave-5.0.90-w64.7z (7zip archived. require 7zip software to extract) (zio archived)