> I don't understand your use case, but anyway, as stated above, callback
> functions will always end up being executed in the "interpreter" (not
> "main") thread, where your program is executed.
IMO the important information (which I was not sure about) is "all code
in one thread". Thanks for enlightenment.
Do you think it would be technically possible to run the callbacks in
another thread using parallel package, allowing the callbacks to call
pause() while the zmq_poll loop could cycle unaffected? It would require
all the threads sharing/having access to global variables. I do not know
if the parallel package allows this kind of computing.
Thanks a lot,
Can you sketch a little more precisely what your are trying to do (or point me to a relevant thread if you already did)?
IIRC the parallel package works with a bunch of independent Octave sessions (each one having its own interpreter) communicating with each other through files or pipes or some kind of shared memory. Am I right? If so when a figures is instantiated from one of those "sessions" (probably the main one, the one that spawns other processes), the figure callbacks must be executed by the associated interpreter.