From: | Doug Stewart |
Subject: | Re: how to solve this error mesages from this program? |
Date: | Thu, 7 Feb 2019 10:29:22 -0500 |
For the convenience and comparison and trouble shooting correctly, could send your revised m file again to me?That could be really helpful and time saving.Thank you!Insang
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019, 12:05 AM Doug Stewart <address@hidden> wrote:On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 9:40 AM Insang HWANG <address@hidden> wrote:Thank you very much, Doug.The correct graph is attached at this email. This graph was made by Matlab not octave. Did you any error messages from octave?But my trial of using octave for the same rbckato m file did produce such a graph. My octave gave two positions of x and y lines without any graphs.Could you let me know about this different results from you and me?Best,I had one mistake.Here are the new plotsPlease keep the help octave list in your replies.I had to changecoef = eval(jopt);tofh=function_handle(jopt)coef=fh(cstar,cstar,kstar,kstar,lstar,lstar,vstar,vstar)What did you do?InsangOn Thu, Feb 7, 2019, 11:30 PM Doug Stewart <address@hidden> wrote:On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:32 AM gwestern <address@hidden> wrote:Hello Folks,
I am very thankful to many good guidnances from Nicholas and others for the
problem of symbolic.
By the way, the next problem is to run this program RBCkato.m
I tried this file and gotIs that what you would expect?What does Matlab show?Well, I ran this program by matlab and then matlab prosecute it
succcessfully and gave a result.
However, when I use Octave and ran this; then there happpens many errors;
so many errors massages could not be copied all here.
some of thems:
1) >> syms ct kt lt rt vt ca ka la ra va ;
warning: the 'syms' function belongs to the symbolic package from Octave
which you have installed but not loaded. To load the package, run 'pkg
load symbolic' from the Octave prompt.
**my comments: actually, my symbplic is working good and no problem.
2) error: 'va' undefined near line 2 column 14
>> wt = (1-alpha)*vt*(kt/lt)^alpha;
error: 'vt' undefined near line 1 column 23
>> % Optimal Conditions & state transition
>> labor = lt^lamda-wt/(myu*ct^sigma) ; % LS = LD
error: Invalid call to lt. Correct usage is: -- lt (X, Y)
3) >> [W, V] = eig(A);
error: 'A' undefined near line 3 column 15
>> Q = inv(W);
error: 'W' undefined near line 1 column 12
>> %W*V*Q;
>> theta = diag(V); error: 'V' undefined near line 2 column 17
4) error: operator *: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 0x0, op2 is 2x1)
>> SY = [S1' ;S] ;
error: vertical dimensions mismatch (1x2 vs 24x0)
>> X = (real(P)*SY')';
error: 'SY' undefined near line 1 column 20
All these similar kinds of errors were happened.
But when i use matlab, there are no such problems and showed the results!
Could you guide me to solve this problem at Octave?
Thank you very much!
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