I am very new to Matlab and I am using Octave. I am trying to get the Matlab
code that is is at https://oeis.org/A316667 to run. It follows on from a
Numberphle video on Knight's tour. I have already discovered that Matlab
paths do not like upper case or spaces in paths and filenames and I have
fixed that but in line 52 of the code there is this command
xy2num = @(x,y) SpiralNumbering(x,y);
It is not referenced anywhere else.
Octave gives this error
error: 'spiralnumbering' undefined near line 52 column 25
error: called from
knightstour>@<anonymous> at line 52 column 25
knightstour at line 78 column 19
I am at the moment baffled. Can anyone throw any light on this?
Did you get this to work yet?
I might be able to help you.
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