Good evening James,
Could you please take a look to this problem I have.
Im trying to perform the chisquare_test_homogeneity over two different vectors.
The data is:
d1=[417.76 3753.7 2977.3 1780.7 1068.4 651.9 447.33 264.95 189.78 145.41 101.05 86.262 73.939 64.081 40.667 34.505 33.273 30.808 22.182 20.949 13.556]
d2=[1683 3811 3053 1886 874 382 213 95 88 39 28 22 13 7 8 5 2 3 2 2 2]
c1=[0.023734 0.071202 0.11867 0.16614 0.21361 0.26107 0.30854 0.35601 0.40348 0.45095 0.49842 0.54588 0.59335 0.64082 0.68829 0.73576 0.78322 0.83069 0.87816 0.92563 0.9731]
The instruction I am using is the following one:
[pval_mu, chisq_mu, df_mu] = chisquare_test_homogeneity (d1, d2, c1);
After the execution, the values are:
pval_mu = 0;
chisq_mu = NaN;
df_mu = 21;
I dont understand this behavior, because I have tried with another set of data and it worked.
It is a .m where I use this test 2 times.
Could you please give it a look?
Kind regards,