On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 18:25:22 +0000, Ian McCallion wrote:
> As I observed recently on this mailing list, I do not believe
> user_home is used under windows and is set up unnecessarily by the vbs
> script, hence there should be no problem with launching Octave when
> the username contains a blank. The problem only occurs in functions
> such as help (I have no idea if there are more) that create temporary
> files.
This is easily reproducible on any operating system. I've taken the
liberty of filing a bug report to get this fixed
I hope that our Windows users will report other such errors when a file
or directory name contains a space.
Spent a little time this afternoon looking a simple batch file constructs using ~s to get the 8.3 path form, but didn't hit on anything simple. Will try a bit more and move any other comments to the bug report.