Hello Mr. Eaton,
I'm a big fan from gnu octave and the very impressive possible usuabla applications.
But sometimes it seems, that the calculation speed lacks in comparison with commercial Version e.g. Matlab.
I've add a simple script (also as m-file), which is do a simple calculation operation.
The calculation time / output from these script as following is:
@Matlab (MATLAB Version: (R2016a))
" Number of vector rows:
Elapsed time is 0.152188 seconds."
@ GNU Octave 5.1.0:
" Number of vector rows:
Elapsed time is 71.7445 seconds."
It would mean Matlab do the same calculation operation ~472 time faster as gnu octave... :(
This is a simple operation and I use really complex operations and the calculation time will never ends...
Do you have any idea how could I reduce the calculation time and are ther some intentions
for future versions to improve the calculation time to be more closer to Matlab...?
I would be very happy, if you could help me about this topic?
Nevertheless, many thanks for your time and support!
Kinde regards,
Gökhan Sen
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear all
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 1e7 ;
V = ones(n,1) ;
R = size(V,1) ;
disp(' ') ;
disp(' Number of vector rows: ') ;
disp(' ') ;
disp(R) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
for k = 1:R
V(k) = 1.2345 * V(k) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------