I am attempting to build octave with a gui. From searching the web, I
think building with QT5 is not possible at this time. I attempted to
build with QT4. It seemed to work. But, executing src/octave-gui
results in a CLI version. The files, src/octave-cli and -gui are
different, but, both seem to execute a -cli version.
Does the warning about OpenGL mean that the -gui version will not work?
Ubuntu 18.04
Octave from HG sources.
> cd octave-code
> hg pull
> hg update
> make distclean
> ./configure F77=gfortran --with-qt=4
Build Octave Qt GUI: yes (version: 4)
JIT compiler for loops: no
Build Java interface: yes
Build static libraries: no
Build shared libraries: yes
Dynamic Linking API: dlopen
Include support for GNU readline: yes
64-bit array dims and indexing: yes
64-bit BLAS array dims and indexing: no
OpenMP SMP multithreading: yes
Truncate intermediate FP results: yes
Build cross tools: no
Build docs: yes
configure: WARNING: Qt does not work with the OpenGL libs (GL and GLU);\
disabling OpenGL graphics with Qt GUI
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS NVECTOR serial library not found.\
Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS IDA library not found.\
Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: JAVA_HOME environment variable not initialized.\
Auto-detection will proceed but is unreliable.
configure: NOTE: Libraries or auxiliary programs may be skipped if\
they are not found OR if they are missing required features on your
> make
Octave successfully built. Now choose from the following:
./run-octave - to run in place to test before installing
make check - to run the tests
make install - to install (PREFIX=/usr/local)
HG ID for this build is "11bf2c815469"
> make check
PASS 15472
XFAIL (reported bug) 28
SKIP (missing feature) 126
SKIP (run-time condition) 23
See the file /home/tomdean/Math/Octave/octave-code/test/fntests.log
for additional details.
Tom Dean
How do you start your build? Did you run:
$ /home/tomdean/Math/Octave/octave-code/run-octave --gui
to start the GUI from the build, when it is not installed.