Hi Nicholas,
Thank you very much for your response last week. I was using the Win x64 binary from the 7z file.
After your advice I downloaded the Win x64 installer, proceeded with installation, loaded the optim package explicitly and it worked.
Issue resolved.
Thanks again,
From: Nicholas Jankowski <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, 01 March 2019 11:30
To: Bentley, Brendon <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Impossible to install pkg struct above ver. 1.0.12 into Octave 5.1.0 Win x64 binary
** The Sender is from outside the ERoW Datacentre organisation **
On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 2:01 AM Bentley, Brendon
<address@hidden> wrote:
> No, there was no struct v1.0.15 installed on the x64 Win binary which I grabbed. I know this because I require the function "jacobs" which is part of the package "optim". WHen I attempted to install pkg optim Octave complained about optim's dependencies on
pkgs statistics and struct v 1.0.12 (or higher, i suppose). I proceeded to install pkg statistics, but I am unable to install pkg optim because of the issue that I requested assistance with. Please will you assist me with getting pkg optim working? What can
I do to make it work?
> Best regards,
> Brendon
Please see the following page:
The windows versions come with those listed packages already
installed. If you followed the install instructions, 'pkg list'
should show you what's there. Before you can use a package function,
you must load the package. E.g., 'load struct'. If you used the zip
or 7z archive 'installer', you need to point the program to the
packages first with a 'pkg rebuild'. Your attempted overinstall of
the package that was already sitting there is likely what caused the