When I use resample I get an error with upfirdn see error below but
upfirdn should be included in the signal package.
Please read <https://www.octave.org/missing.html> to learn how you can
contribute missing functionality.
error: 'upfirdn' undefined near line 121 column 11
error: called from
resample at line 121 column 9
I'm using Octave version 5.1 on 64bit Ubuntu Linux
>> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
control *| 3.1.0 | /home/rt/octave/control-3.1.0
geometry | 3.0.0 | /home/rt/octave/geometry-3.0.0
image | 2.8.0 | /home/rt/octave/image-2.8.0
quaternion *| 2.4.0 | /home/rt/octave/quaternion-2.4.0
signal *| 1.4.0 | /home/rt/octave/signal-1.4.0