On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 11:12 AM Nicholas Jankowski <
address@hidden> wrote:
1 -sorry, left the help list off the reply.
2 - correction - install-forge is obviously still pulling 1.4.0.
downloading the signal-1.4.1 release candidate, making sure my temp dir wasn't set to my user profile, I was able to install without error on Windows 10, Octave 5.1.0
Our managed systems here at work recently put a security policy in place preventing execution from the user profile temp folders, which is where octave defaults to compiling packages. It may be these protections still hold despite admin privileges. I created an empty temp folder next to the Octave program folder, and set the environment variables using:
>> setenv('tmpdir', 'C:\Programs\Octave\temp\')
>> tempdir
ans = c:\Programs\Octave\Temp\
after which I have no problems installing packages requiring compilation. might be worth a try just to rule out that possibility.