Octave 5.1.0 from homebrew
XQuartz 2.7.11 (I don't know if octave uses this??)
gnuplot (Version
ghostscript (version 9.26_1)
fltk (version 1.3.5)
My issue is that I'm getting an error message when I try to run saveas or print to create a PNG. Using for eg:
saveas(fig, ' Name.png');
print -deps foo.eps
The error message on 5.1.0 reads:
"warning: print.m: Ghostscript binary is not available. Only eps output is possible
warning: called from
__print_parse_opts__ at line 487 column 7
print at line 416 column 8
saveas at line 110 column 3
soakprocess2 at line 52 column 1"
My .octaverc currently reads:
## Begin save-path auto-created section, do not edit
addpath ('/Users/Rowan/AW Google Drive/Repair Data/SoakTests/MATLAB', '-begin');
## End savepath auto-created section
setenv ("GNUTERM", "X11")
cmd_path = getenv ("path");
gs_path = "/usr/local/opt/ghostscript";
if (isempty (strfind (cmd_path, gs_path)))
setenv("path", strcat (cmd_path, pathsep(), gs_path));
But I'm getting a startup error so I've clearly done something wrong there too. I suspect it's because all the examples of setting gs_path online seem to be for windows.parse error near line 16 of file /Users/Rowan/.octaverc
That's also confusing because there are only 15 lines!
I've tried with and without changing to the gnuplot toolkit.
I've spent about 6 hours on this googling and trying various bits so I'm just about ready to plot my graphs with a pencil now!
Kind Regards,