Hello Support,
My addition to the default program is octave::feval ("pkg", ovl ("load", "control"), 0);
I was expecting the control package to load but I get
error: feval: function 'pkg' not found
error encountered in Octave evaluator!
As before, this works on Linux but not with Windows 10 64 bit. Could you please let me know any steps I can try?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Dear Ashwin,
Please answer at the bottom of each email, otherwise it is impossible to follow the discussions [1,2].
Unfortunately, I do not have a MS Windows system to test. But for reference, the attached program works on Linux (openSUSE 15.0), with Octave 5.1.0 and the OF package control 3.2.0 installed.
To me it looks like your m-File directory is not loaded by the embedded interpreter to the search path. To verify this, try to compile run the attached program, which tries to locate the "pkg.m" function by calling
octave::feval ("which", ovl ("pkg"), 0);
The output should be like:
'pkg' is a function from the file /usr/local/share/octave/5.1.0/m/pkg/pkg.m
Transfer function '' from input 'u1' to output ...
y1: s
Continuous-time model.
Otherwise nothing about 'pkg' is displayed.