88 7 9 40
73 3 41 79
63 90 74 0
##While the following will write ONLY the first matrix element in cell A1
XLS = xlsopen(file);
[XLS,status] = oct2xls(A,XLS,'Sheet1',sprintf('A%d',rownum'));
verifying that I can reproduce this issue with oct2xls, with or without the windows package loaded to use the Excel COM interface.
Octave 5.1.0 on Windows 10 Pro with Office 2013 installed, using packages io 2.4.12 and windows 1.3.1:
>> pkg load io
>> chk_spreadsheet_support ()
ans = 0
>> A = int32(100*rand(5))
A =
2 70 45 45 14
99 79 68 5 30
45 85 8 72 33
99 90 47 30 10
19 19 75 92 63
>> rownum = 1
rownum = 1
>> status = xlswrite('xlswritetest.xlsx',A,'Sheet1','A1')
Detected XLS interfaces: warning: strmatch is obsolete; use strncmp or strcmp instead
status = 1
output file xlswritetest.xlsx is created and contains the full array A.
>> XLS = xlsopen('o2xtest.xlsx',1)
scalar structure containing the fields:
xtype = OCT
app = xlsx
filename = o2xtest2.xlsx
workbook = c:\Programs\Octave\Temp\oct-ZATASh
changed = 3
limits = [](0x0)
sheets =
scalar structure containing the fields:
sh_names =
[1,1] = Sheet1
rid = 1
sheetid = 1
shId = 1
type = 1
>> [XLS,status] = oct2xls(A,XLS, 'Sheet1', 'A1')
scalar structure containing the fields:
xtype = OCT
app = xlsx
filename = o2xtest.xlsx
workbook = c:\Programs\Octave\Temp\oct-ZATASh
changed = 2
limits = [](0x0)
sheets =
scalar structure containing the fields:
sh_names =
[1,1] = Sheet1
rid =
1 2
sheetid = 1
shId = 1
type = 1
>> XLS = xlsclose(XLS)
The output file o2xtest.xlsx only has the A(1,1) value written in cell A1. looking in the workbook temp location mentioned in the struct, the workbook.xml file only contains information for that single cell.
According to the oct2xls help file:
"If RANGE is omitted or just the top left cell of the range is specified, the actual range to be used is determined by the size of ARR. If nothing is specified for RANGE the top left cell is assumed to be 'A1'.
If RANGE contains merged cells, only the elements of ARR corresponding to the top or left Excel cells of those merged cells will be written, other array cells corresponding to that cell will be ignored."
So, according to the help it _should_ be producing the same output as xlswrite, unless that latter condition is somehow being invoked (intentionally or accidentally). In any case, something seems off.
I get the exact same behavior with or without windows package loaded (i.e, with chk_spreadsheet_support () = 1)