Le 03/07/2019 à 22:49, Brett Green a
écrit :
Thank you for pointing that out! That looks nice. Is there a
way to do it with axes? imshow doesn't produce axes for me,
but I need those.
> To superimpose plots with different colormaps, I have to
plot them to
> separate axes and then assign different colormaps to the
separate axes.
> However, the axes have an opaque background. I just
checked the
> documentation for axes(), and although there are
properties for
> transparency, they're currently unused because that
functionality has not
> been implemented yet. I guess that means I need to find
another way.
> For completeness, here's the code that overlays two axes
objects with
> different colormaps, but will not work for my purposes
because they're
> opaque.
> blue = [0,0,1];
> red = [1,0,0];
> green = [0,1,0];
> orange = [1,0.5,0];
> purple = [0.75,0,0.75];
> discrete_clrmp = [blue;red;green;orange];
> redblue_clrmp =
> orangepurple_clrmp =
> fig = figure(3);
> ax1 = axes(fig);
> colormap(ax1,discrete_clrmp);
> ax2 = axes(fig);
> colormap(ax2,redblue_clrmp);
> data = "">
> pcolor(ax1,data);
> view(2)
> continuousdata = rand(23);
> pcolor(ax2,continuousdata)
> view(2)
IIUC you have data points in the range [1 2] and for some
reason some of
are tagged 3 or 4:
## The original data
data = "" (100) + 1;
data(rand(100) < 0.1) = 3;
data(rand(100) < 0.1) = 4;
## The colormap you want
nlev = 50;
redblue =
cmap = [redblue; 0 1 0; 1 0.5 0];
## Now manipulate the data for plotting
data(data == 3) = nlev + 1;
data(data == 4) = nlev + 2;
data(data<3) = (data(data<3) - 1) * (nlev-1) + 1;
imshow (data, cmap, "xdata", (-10:10), "ydata", (-10:10))
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The axes is present but hidden, so you can use "axis on" to see
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