Perhaps I should say that my knowledge of GNUroot and UserLand is derived from using it and I do not have any in-depth knowledge of the inner working of either. Thus if anyone knows better please correct me. I have installed userland on two tablets, one running Android 6.0 and the other Amazon Fire OS (Userland obtained from F-Droid). On both of these systems, UserLand appears to be stable. I have also installed it on an Honor Play phone running EMUI (equivalent to Android 9).
When I start the Userland app I am presented with a choice of 5 versions of Linux and a series of apps including gnuplot, octave, and R. First I started the Debian app. This downloads a base Debian Linux system and creates a file system. I then clicked on the R and R and its dependencies are downloaded from the depository and loaded into the file system. I cant then run R. On the tablets I also installed R in this way. R works as expected on both tablets and phone.
I installed octave in this way on the tablets. Access to the internet is required only to install the octave package. Once the octave package is downloaded and installed there is no need to access the internet. I note that the version of octave installed on the tablets is 4.0.3. The octave version installed on the phone using the method described in my earlier email is 4.4.1. I suspect that the quick install system for octave may be looking for a 4.0.3 dependency that is no longer required or has been replaced by an alternative dependency. This may cause the install to fail. If this is octave will not run from the icon and must be run from the command line. If I get the time I will report the bug.
ssh is used to provides a terminal (command line) VNC provides a windows system. Thus if you run octave on a phone I would recommend that you use the terminal. I would not even try to use the octave GUI on a phone. It is just about usable on one of the 10-inch tablets.
On the phone UserLand, occasionally, becomes unresponsive. You may have to force stop it in system - apps or equivalent on your system.
If you long-press on an app in the basic menu and select app info you can switch between ssh and vnc for the app. This is not working, at the moment, with octave.
John C Frain, Ph.D.
Economics Department 3 Aranleigh Park
Trinity College Dublin Rathfarnham
College Green Dublin 14
Dublin 2 Ireland
@John Frain Thank you very much for your answer. I did know this "Getting
startet" on github, but
1.Click an app.
2.Fill out the required information. That's it.
isn't a step by step instruction for me and many other beginners. I don't
know the tricky differences between the distributions, between SSH and VCS,
but I have to choose...
I followed your three sudo orders, and - bingo! - I'm able to use Octave.
But a start from the icon leads always to the error mentioned above, so
there must be a bug (see screenshot). I'm forced to start Octave from the
command line and can launch R from the UserlAnd screen, as you desribed. Not
comfortable, but at least it works...
So thank you again.
PS: I'm still wondering why Octave needs a connection to the internet...
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