Hi ladies and gentlemen,
I need some help for the usage of the package "nnet".
I would like to deal with neuronal networks and I did install Octave with the neuronal package "nnet | 0.1.13". After that I tried a example code with the "train" command:
net = newff( [0 1; 0 1], [3 1], {"tansig","purelin"}, "trainlm", "learngdm", "mse");
[nettt] = train(net, a, b);
comment: a, b: Training data with equivalent dimensions;
I recieve the following error-message:
error: 'finite' undefined near line 38 column 13
error: called from
tansig at line 38 column 5
__calcperf at line 85 column 21
__trainlm at line 107 column 19
train at line 125 column 11
My question is now, did I set the wrong parameters or is the package buggy? In both cases I would be happy to get some help to go on with neuronal networks.
Thanks for helping and best regards