On 8/19/19 6:32 AM, Thomas D. Dean wrote:
On 8/18/19 11:36 AM, Sebastian Schöps wrote:
Thomas D. Dean-2 wrote
I have an .oct file that I want to open a device, return the pointer to
the device structure.
Does octave keep the allocation of dev_ptr between function calls?
Is it possible to use a static variable in the .cc file? Would I have
to free it when the device is closed?
I can post the full application if necessary.
Tom Dean
Maybe Carlo‘s old advice helps?
Carlo's answer is static variables.
That gets me mostly there. I am opening a USB device.
A clear("all") most likely destroys the instance of the static variable.
A subsequent call to the function results in
usb_claim_interface error -6
This most likely results in a memory leak of the size of a device
Is there any way to implement a "call on clear" or
"call on function removal" function. Sort of like a device callback
function? Google is not much help.
Tom Dean
Your description reminds me of the "onCleanup" function [1]. If you
wrap your oct-files in some m-file code, you should be able to define
some onCleanup action in case your wrapper object is cleared.
[1] https://octave.org/doc/v5.1.0/XREFonCleanup.html