On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 12:34 PM basic_coding <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks for quick answer.
> So here is the simple 3 lines of code I used for the original file:
> file = 'C:\......path_to_file....\messungen1'
> fid = fopen(file, 'r');
> [data] = textscan(fid, '%s %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f'
> ,'delimiter',';');
> As this didn't work I tried to create a simple csv with comparable content:
> 2019-08-16-10:27:28 ; value 1 ; 5.83 ; value 2 ; 13 ;
> 2019-08-16-10:27:30 ; value 1 ; 6.73 ; value 2 ; 14 ;
> Using the follwoing code lines, I managed to read the data:
> file = 'C:\......path_to_file....\filename.csv'
> fid = fopen(file, 'r');
> [data] = textscan(fid, '%s %s %f %s %f' ,'delimiter',';');
> Sorry for the missing lines.
Thanks for the quick followup. As I mentioned before, I also tried various combinations of options for textscan to see if it could pull in your data. playing around with delimiter, MultipleDelimsAsOne, the format string, etc. and I wasn't able to get it to output all of the data. it would always grab the first date string, sometimes the first few %s and first %f, but just empty cells after the first %f. Maybe someone better with formatted strings can see what's causing the problem.