From: | Elias Alvarez Jaramillo |
Subject: | AW: AW: gramm Package installation for Octave |
Date: | Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:04:31 +0200 |
Markus, I ment, that the function gramm which is packed in the original package for matlab was modified and left empty. Sorry for not making myself clear there. I just tested it again removing the gramm.m „dummy“ file from the Folder and renaming the gramm_octave. to gramm.m. And it works as you described it, however I get the same error as yours: error: set: unknown text property fontSize error: __go_text__: unable to create graphics handle error: called from text at line 170 column 10 draw at line 38 column 13 examples at line 162 column 1 This is still awesome beacause the package at least runs. With some tweeking maybe it can be fully functional in the future. Thank you very much for the constant support, this is an awesome active community. Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Werkstudent (Produktionsanalyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH/ Working Student (Production Analyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH. Coursing Major: M.Eng Technical Management Von: Markus Mützel Elias, I am not sure what you mean by "since the function was adapted for octave this only contains the following". Looking at the file in Carlos' Github repository, it seems "update.m" should contain something different: Which instructions did you follow? For a quick test, I downloaded the package from Carlos' github repo, deleted the existing "gramm.m" - which is just a dummy file by the looks of it - and renamed "gramm_octave.m" to "gramm.m". Running "examples", a few plots pop up before I see an error: error: set: unknown text property fontSize Is this what you see as well? Your path seems to be set correctly. Markus Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 um 15:27 Uhr Markus, the update.m file is located in the @gramm Folder. The Code that executes the function gramm is also placed there, but since the function was adapted for octave this only contains the following: gramm_octave.m Which I guess calls the file „gramm_octave.m“. in this file the class is defined as well as the function gramm.But Doing it so as described I get another error : error: invalid call to script C:\Users\kaldr\Desktop\gramm-master\gramm-master\@gramm\gramm.m >> g=gramm('x',cars.Model_Year,'y',cars.MPG,'color',cars.Cylinders,'subset' ,cars.Cylinders~=3 & cars.Cylinders~=5); I think I loaded the path in the right way. I get after executing the path command: >> path Octave's search path contains the following directories: . C:\Users\kaldr\Desktop\gramm-master C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\image-2.10.0 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\lib\octave\packages\image-2.10.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32-api-v53 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\struct-1.0.15 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\lib\octave\packages\struct-1.0.15\x86_64-w64-mingw32-api-v53 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\optim-1.5.3 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\lib\octave\packages\optim-1.5.3\x86_64-w64-mingw32-api-v53 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.4.0\base C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.4.0\distributions C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.4.0\models C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.4.0\tests C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.4.0 C:\Octave\OCTAVE~1.0\mingw64\share\octave\packages\dataframe-1.2.0 Thank you very much for your help! PS: I am new to Octave coming from R and this is my first time on the Forum. I will Forward all in cc to the Mailing list Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Werkstudent (Produktionsanalyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH/ Working Student (Production Analyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH. Coursing Major: M.Eng Technical Management Von: Markus Mützel Please, keep the mailing list in CC. From your original message: > >> g=gramm_octave('x',cars.Model_Year,'y',cars.MPG,'color',cars.Cylinders,'subset',cars.Cylinders~=3 Where is "update" located? Are you sure that the @class folder was NOT added to the path during your test? Markus Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 um 15:06 Uhr Hello Markus, thank you for your fast reply. I tried the same on another PC and added not the @Class Folder directly to the path but the Folder containing it. I also used a more simple path for this avoiding spaces and special character. But no luck. I am using Octave 5.1 under Windows. Thanks Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Werkstudent (Produktionsanalyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH/ Working Student (Production Analyst) Wildauer Schmiede und Kurbellwelle GmbH. Coursing Major: M.Eng Technical Management Von: Markus Mützel Am 19. September 2019 um 10:28 Uhr schrieb "EAlvarez": > Hello Gurus of Octave! > > I have the following Problem and hope somebody out there can help. I am new > to Octave. I am a long term user of R programming language, and have been > using Hadley´s Wickham ggplot2 for a long time to make plotting more easy. I > saw that there is a package called gramm developed for matlab. The > experienced used @CdeMills seemed to found a Workaround to make this package > executable on Octave, see this thread: > https://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/gramm-td4677378.html#none > > I followed the instructions on the readme file and the comments on the > thread in how to run this package but have not had any luck!. > > The readme says that i should add the @Folder containing the class to the > path. I do this the following way: > > addpath('P:/35 > MITARBEITERORDNER/Alvarez/Octave/Scripts/gramm-master/@gramm') > There might be two issues with this: 1- You should add the folder containing the @-class to the path, i.e.: addpath('P:/35 MITARBEITERORDNER/Alvarez/Octave/Scripts/gramm-master') 2- If this doesn't work, try moving the package to a folder that doesn't contain a space (" ") or fwiw any non-ASCII characters in its path. Markus PS: I switched this over to the help mailing list, which seems more appropriate for your issue. |
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