I uninstalled the program again and deleted every instance of octave I could find on my computer. I then tried the .exe installer and it still will not allow me to open the shortcuts it made. I’ve even tried going into my files and opening any .m files I have and it won’t open it that way either. Although, it does recognize them as a octave.document. I have an older laptop where it shows the .m files as internet explorer files rather than octave documents. I am having the same problem with that laptop except when I try to open the .m files they will actually open the program. That computer is just outdated, slow and not my preferred choice.
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So with the .exe installer, you do get shortcuts, correct? Is this your personal computer, or a company/managed system? You have admin access on the machine (I assume since you were able to install the program)? Where did you install Octave/what folder? Did you change it from the detail location?
What exactly happens when you use the shortcut? Anything at all? Is the behavior the same if you use the other (command line or no GUI) shortcut? Does anything appear in the taskbar?