On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 22:23:18 -0700, Andrew Janke wrote:
I don't think the current Octave pkg command supports either of these. The
package specification file format supports defining dependencies, and
they're validated, but they're not automatically loaded or installed.
Not completely. It's correct that the 'pkg' command does not *install*
dependencies, but it does *load* them once they are installed.
For example,
>> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
control | 3.2.0 | /home/user/octave/control-3.2.0
signal | 1.4.1 | /home/user/octave/signal-1.4.1
>> pkg load signal
>> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
control *| 3.2.0 | /home/user/octave/control-3.2.0
signal *| 1.4.1 | /home/user/octave/signal-1.4.1
To the original question, all that's needed is to include the Depends
field in the DESCRIPTION file. Refer to
https://www.octave.org/doc/interpreter/The-DESCRIPTION-File.html for the
full details.