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Re: saving the plot
From: |
Ardid, Salva |
Subject: |
Re: saving the plot |
Date: |
Thu, 5 Dec 2019 11:44:51 +0000 |
El dijous, 5 de desembre de 2019, a les 4:31:10 EST, Raag Saluja va escriure:
hi! can something please be done to correct this error? thanks
On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 1:04 PM Raag Saluja <address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks! This is definitely better!. However, the x-axis labels are still a
> bit overlapped in the fig saved.
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 8:49 PM "Markus Mützel" <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> Am 15. November 2019 um 07:33 Uhr schrieb "Raag Saluja":
>> > It did resize the screen, thanks! However, when I saved the file, the
>> screen size became smaller again!
>> Try setting the "paperpositionmode" of the figure to "auto":
>> hf = figure(1);
>> set(hf, 'paperpositionmode', 'auto');
>> saveas (hf, 'myplot.png');
>> HTH,
>> Markus
I ignore what you are plotting and why octave is not saving it as you would
like but in any case, you could also give fig2svg toolbox a try:
If fig2svg doesn't work as you would expect, you can create an issue for it
giving the example code that generates the dissonance.