Hi ,
Could you pls help me how to build octave with fft support. I used the following command to build octave but still getting issue.
octave:1> fft(0:255)error: fft: support for FFTW was unavailable or disabled when liboctave was built
./configure --prefix=/home/niraj/oc CFLAGS=-fPIC CXXFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-shared --with-gui --with-qt --with-blas=/v5.1.0/BLAS-3.8.0/blas_LINUX.a --with-lapack=/v5.1.0/lapack-3.8.0/liblapack.a --enable-float --enable-sse --with-fftw3-includedir=/tmp/fftw/include/ --with-fftw3-libdir=/tmp/fftw/lib
Config.log says:
configure:69014: WARNING: FFTW3 library not found. The slower FFTPACK library will be used instead.
Success occurs when opportunity and preparation meet