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[Octave forge] [bim package] bim1a_advection*
From: |
JuanPi |
Subject: |
[Octave forge] [bim package] bim1a_advection* |
Date: |
Sat, 11 Jan 2020 00:56:27 +0100 |
Hi again,
I keep playing with the bim package.
I am failing to understand the behavior (or likely the correct usage)
of bim1a_advection_upwind.
I noticed that for finer meshes the advection effect decreases, and
converges to a solution with no advection at all.
How can doe sone create correct (almost mesh independent, for
resoanable meshes) advection-diffusion matrices?
** Example of the problem
Given this equation
Y_t - a Y_xx + b Y_x + Y = f(x)
Y(0, t) = Yo
Y_t(1,t) = -b Y_x(1,t) # open boundary approx O(a^2)
with Y_<var> is the derivative of Y w.r.t. <var>
Compare the solutions generated with this code
a = 1e-4;
b = 100;
Yo = 1;
# Initial condition
Y0 = @(x) Yo * ones (size (x));
# Sources
c = 10;
f = @(x)Yo + (c - Yo) * exp(-(x-0.5).^2 / 2 / 0.05^2);
# Dynamic equations
function dY = dYdt(Y, t, b, A, msh, f)
dY = f - A * Y;
dY(1) = 0;
dY(end) = - b * (Y(end) - Y(end-1)) / (msh(end) - msh(end-1));
lsode_options ("integration method", "adams");
# Meshes
Nt = 10;
t = linspace (0, 10, Nt);
msh{1} = linspace (0, 1, 50).';
msh{2} = linspace (0, 1, 100).';
# Matrices & solution
Nmsh = numel(msh);
for i = 1:Nmsh
Diff = bim1a_laplacian (msh{i}, 1, a);
Conv = bim1a_advection_upwind (msh{i}, b * msh{i});
Reaction = bim1a_reaction (msh{i}, 1, 1);
Source = bim1a_rhs (msh{i}, 1, f(msh{i}));
A = Diff + Conv + Reaction;
printf ('Solving %d\n', i); fflush (stdout)
Y{i} = lsode (@(Y, t) dYdt(Y, t, b, A, msh{i}, Source), Y0(msh{i}), t);
endfor # over meshes
figure (1)
col = flipud (gray (Nt+3))(3:end,:); # colors for time
for i=1:Nmsh
subplot (2, 1, i);
h_ = plot (msh{i}, Y{i}.');
for j=1:Nt
set(h_(j), 'color', col(j,:));
endfor # over colors
ylabel (sprintf('Y%d',i))
endfor # over solutions
xlabel ('x')
JuanPi Carbajal
“An article about computational result is advertising, not
scholarship. The actual scholarship is the full software environment,
code and data, that produced the result.”
- Buckheit and Donoho
- [Octave forge] [bim package] bim1a_advection*,
JuanPi <=