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Re: Venn diagrams
From: |
Francesco Potortì |
Subject: |
Re: Venn diagrams |
Date: |
Mon, 20 Jan 2020 02:30:10 +0100 |
Francesco Potortì:
>>>> I want to automatically draw three-circle Venn diagrams, and I have
>>>> stumpled upon
>>>> https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22282-venn
Kai Torben Ohlhus:
>I tried to debug it, but there is no hope without rewriting the entire
Doug Stewart:
>h = rectangle('Position',[px py d d],'Curvature',[1,1], ...
> 'FaceColor',rand(1,3),'EdgeColor','b',...
> 'LineWidth',3,'facealpha',0.5);
Kai, Doug, thank you both. Sometimes something as simple as having to
start from scratch plus drawing three trasparent overlapping discs can
awake one's coding appetite :)
In the end I wrote functions to draw 2- and 3-circles Venn diagrams.
The core is there and seems to work well. Missing things are better
documentation, some more tests, and user interface improvements (ok,
maybe the name too...)
The code is at http://fly.isti.cnr.it/pub/software/octave/venn3circles.m
To give it a try, just do
octave> demo venn3circles
I need some advice.
- What type of interface should I use (arguments, output results, help
text for functions)? Maybe take
https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22282-venn as a
model? Or else, which Octave function do you suggest as template?
- Should I try and add utilities for creating full-featured Venn
diagrams (labels, legend)? Ideas welcome.
- Should I try and make the syntax Matlab-compatible? I have never
tried this, maybe it is not worth, as I have no easy way to keep
checking for compatibility in the future as I do not use Matlab
- There is some introductory text at the beginning of the file, plus
some docs for each function. Is there a standard way where and how to
put a general discussion (documentation) about the software?
- Would it make sense to contact some package author and work to include
this in into a package? Which one?
Francesco Potortì (ricercatore) Voice: +39.050.621.3058
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR Mobile: +39.348.8283.107
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa Skype: wnlabisti
(gate 20, 1st floor, room C71) Web: http://fly.isti.cnr.it