On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 9:57 AM Francesco Potortì <
address@hidden> wrote:
One more doubt:
octave> plot(1:2)
octave> legend({"aa"}, 'fontsize', 0.1, 'fontunits', 'normalized')
This is supposed to create a legend whose text is 10% of the plot size,
As far as I can see, it does not: the text is very small. Calling
legend again with different numbers for fontsize does not improve
things and in some cases leads to lots of messages like:
warning: text_renderer: unable to render glyph for character '31'
warning: called from
delete at line 60 column 5
closereq at line 39 column 5
close at line 112 column 5
If this is a bug (Debian Octave 5.1, fltk) I will file a bug report with
It bihaves weird in dev version as well. Please file a bug.