configure: error: in
configure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs.
I'm not certain if this is the problem, but in several cases on Windows security policies do not allow for compiling/executing code in the user's profile temp space. The fix has been to set an alternative temp location just for Octave. I did the following:
Outside of Octave, create a new temp folder for Octave to use (I created C:\Octave\Temp)
In Octave run the following:
>> setenv('tmpdir', 'C:\Octave\Temp')
And then try installation again.
>> pkg install -forge io
If that works, you can add that line to your .octaverc file so it runs every time octave starts (and you won't have to change anything on the rest of your system). My .octaverc file is located at
To check current setting:
>> tempdir
ans = c:\Octave\Temp\