On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 2:41 PM Dr.-Ing. Dieter Jurzitza <
address@hidden> wrote:
Dear listmembers,
I am currently experimenting with the signal - package using i. e. butter()
and cheby1() functions.
If I do a
[b a]=butter(2,0.0208333);
[H W]=freqz(b,a,48000);
I get a nice and clean plot. Looks as expected. Same behavior when using
cheby1 ....
However, if I replace
[b a]=butter(2,0.0208333);
[b a]=butter(10,0.0208333);
the resulting graph is a mess. Enlarging the degree of the filter beyond 8
leads to very jumpy, noisy graphs. When I do the same in Matlab no such issues
show. I found of the coefficients to become very small with that high filter
Any hints how to improve this besides not designing so steep filters? Is there
an option to increase the internal resolution?
Thank you for any feedback,
best regards
Dieter Jurzizta
Dr.-Ing. Dieter Jurzitza 76131 Karlsruhe
Deiter: this is a known limitation, and yes we need more resolution.
Do you think we could use the symbolic pkg. and VPA to calculate these higher order coefficients?
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