They are small on my monitor but not smaller than ordinary plots, same as other plots. Seems to be one pixel widel lines, it might resolution of monitors have increased over time, font in ordinary software like I write now is not small but with proper scaling more pixels is used to get same size but have no idea.
Thanks for this.
Are they about the same in matlab and octave?
> I would like someone with matlab to run the following code in matlab and
> octave and compare the marker size.
> I think the marker size is too small in octave. The point of pzmap is to
> show just the locations of the poles and zeroes so why not make them easy
> to see?
> Thanks for your help.
> s = tf('s');
> g = (s+1)/(s+2)/(s+3)
> pzmap(g);
> --
> DAS[image: Certificate for 206392]
> <>