> It is only used by octave 6, however is in the install for both - it just gets fixed by
> the post-install depending on whether its octave 6 or octave 5.
Prior to that, the path was still wrong and still needing the post install to be run to fix it
created a clean v5.2.0 from the 7z archive, ran post-install.bat, then a pkg install matgeom then pkg update. None of the directory markers showed up. Must have forgotten to run post-install on this machine.
Last time i did this at CLI. This time in the GUI. That original geometry warning set did use colorful markup. After the update was complete, the color setting stayed and changed my text to a too-light-to-see-well gray. see attached.
I didn't actually know the gui could do colorful text. back to normal after a restart, not sure how I would have otherwise changed it back.