I am unable to run the interpreter from within a C++ program. I am using Windows 10 64 bit; GNU Octave version 5.2.0. Attached is the script I am using.
octave::feval ("pkg", ovl ("load", "control"), 0);
The error I am getting is
error: 'fullfile' undefined near line 5 column 21
error: called from
C:\Octave\Octave-5.2.0\mingw64\share\octave\site\m\startup/octaverc at line 5 column 1
error: feval: function 'pkg' not found
error encountered in Octave evaluator!
I had a similar problem before which was solved by exporting the OCTAVE_HOME environment. Please see
https://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/error-feval-function-pkg-m-not-found-td4688911.html However, this time it is a new error. I am using GNU Octave Version 5.2.0 64 bit configured for "x86_64-w64-mingw32" on Windows 10. Works on Linux not on windows 10.
Please help me with solving this issue.
Thank you.