I am trying to use the symbolic toolbox (ver 2.8.0) inside octave 5.2.0. The installation of the symbolic package was successful, but I get a python not found error message.
Symbolic pkg v2.8.0: sh: python3.6: command not found
error: Cannot run the Python executable "python3.6"
Try "sympref diagnose" for more information.
On entering "sympref diagnose" I see a message saying,
Attempting to run python3.6 -c "print(\"Python says hello\")"
sh: python3.6: command not found
status = 127
output =
However, the same command runs fine on my command prompt:
[vgarg@localhost ~]$ python3.6 -c "print(\"Python says hello\")"
Python says hello
I tried adding /usr/bin (where python3.6 is located) the path, but that hasnt helped:
octave:18> path
Octave's search path contains the following directories:
[vgarg@localhost bin]$ which python3.6
Any suggestions would be appreciated.