On Fri, 28 Feb 2020 at 03:28, Kai Torben Ohlhus <
address@hidden> wrote:
On 2/28/20 7:19 AM, John Frain wrote:
> Has any other user detected the following problem or perhaps know of a
> solution?
> I am running Windows 10 1909 64-bit.
> I have been using Octave in Windows (and Linux) for many years with
> great success. When I tried to start octave 5.1 using the a white
> screen appeared with the octave icon and the word octave on the top
> left-hand corner of the screen and it crashed immediately. the cli
> version continued to work.
curious, have you tried the zip packages instead of the installer? It shouldn't make much of a difference, but at this point maybe worth trying. what about an older version than 5.1?