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[gnu.org #1502445] GNU Octave website hacked and links replaced with tro
From: |
Ian Kelling via RT |
Subject: |
[gnu.org #1502445] GNU Octave website hacked and links replaced with trojan-containing installer?? |
Date: |
Mon, 02 Mar 2020 01:51:11 -0500 |
On Mon Mar 02 01:03:47 2020, address@hidden wrote:
> Hi there
> I'm not sure if I'm imagining things here but I am very suspicious:
> Just installed Octave on Windows 10 from
> https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/download.html
> I noticed that Symantec detected the security risk "Trojan.Gen.MBT" in
> a libsqlite library:
> Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
> Event: Risk Found!
> Security risk detected: Trojan.Gen.MBT
> File: C:\Octave\Octave-5.2.0\mingw64\bin\libsqlite3-0.dll
> Location: C:\Octave\Octave-5.2.0\mingw64\bin
> Computer: LIBPF1FL7FE
> User: SYSTEM
> Action taken: Pending Side Effects Analysis : Access denied Date
> found: Monday, 2 March 2020 1:32:50 PM
> I looked at the installers locations, and they use ftpmirror.gnu.org
> instead of ftp.gnu.org<ftp://ftp.gnu.org>
> I looked at the website ftpmirror.gnu.org and it redirects to
> https://mirror.freedif.org/GNU/
> The website freedif.org looks very dodgy to me.
> Looks like all URLs in the windows download page have been replace
> with this.
> I am imagining things? What is going on here?
> Cheers
> ---
> Stéphane Guillou (he/him) -
> Technology trainer (Library)
> UQ Ally Network member | Green Office representative
> The University of Queensland | St Lucia | QLD 4072 Australia
> p: (+61) 7 344 32705 | m: (+61) 4 68 37 37 48 | @:
> address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>
> Please consider the environment and print this email only if necessary
Sounds like a false positive to me. I suggest checking the
signature of the file you downloaded, there are some basic
instructions in the text at the top of https://ftp.gnu.org
Ian Kelling | Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: B125 F60B 7B28 7FF6 A2B7 DF8F 170A F0E2 9542 95DF
https://fsf.org | https://gnu.org